Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sharing The News

I hope all of you guys enjoyed the story of Meeting Finnley Grace! I wanted to share in this post how it was telling everyone about my little miracle. It was honestly one of the most scary things I have ever gone through (besides having Finnley) I was scared to hear how people would react to this and how they would take it.

Some people took this news better than others for sure! Especially Finnley's father. I wasn't actually there when he was told about Finnley, I just heard how the talk went, and that he took it well. I told my dad that we had to tell Tyler about Finnley on the 18th. Yes, this was 2 days after she was born. I wanted to tell Tyler myself, but I wasn't able to leave the hospital, and I didn't want to wait, or call him on the phone. So, my dad texted him that day saying he needed to talk to him about something and that it needed to be after he got out of school. My dad left to go meet Tyler at around 3:30 that day, and he was gone for over 2 hours!! This really scared me, I was with mom and I kept saying, "Its been a long time. Are they okay? Should I call them?" She had to keep me calm from not calling both of them. What I eventually found out is that they went to Dairy Queen to talk. I guess its easier to tell people big news with a mouth full of ice cream! After they had talked, my dad and Tyler came up to the hospital. I, of course, went into panic mode by saying "Do I look bad mom?", and of course I did! I hadn't slept for the past 2 days, so I was freaking tired. Hadn't showered or anything. I'm sure I didn't smell to good, but you'll have to ask Tyler about that! :)

I know that he was scared to death, just like I was. He has really been great through all of this. Tyler, you're a great dad to Finnley! Don't let anyone tell you different!

"I was scared at first especially having to tell my mom, papa, family and closest friends, and of course everyone else. But after I told them, I had so much support and everyone was happy for me. I didn't know why they were happy at first, but now I can see why they are. She is a beautiful little girl, and I'm so proud to call her mine and be her dad. I will always be there for her no matter what, and I am in love with her. She makes me laugh and smile so much just being herself. Her personality is awesome, and I know when she gets older she is going to be so amazing! I can't wait to see her grow into the beautiful young lady she'll become." -Tyler Marchman

Now, telling my friends was a whole different story. One of the first people I told was my best friend, Lauryn. The Wednesday before I had Finnley, she got a really bad concussion. So, when I told her she was still kind of out of it ;) Just kidding! But, of course she was shocked! I called her and I told her everything over the phone and she was just like "You're kidding, there's no way!" I finally got her to believe me and she immediately said, "I'm coming tomorrow, and I'm buying her stuff." Surely enough, the next day she came. (with bags full of baby stuff I might add!) She even brought me a milkshake from Chick-Fil-A, because she's the bomb. When she came to this hospital, we walked around the floor I was on for about an hour, and she had no judgement towards me, and supported me 100%.

I know it was a shock for your best friend to become a baby mama, but thank you for supporting me through all of this! Thanks for being Finnley's Aunt Lala, and my best friend!

"Well I knew we had been best friends since kindergarten, and nothing could separate us. And that no matter what was happening I was going to be on your side, and help you through everything you were about to face. Even though I had no clue about what was to come.. I was still gonna be there, and , help you, and make you smile or laugh when you need it, or just cuddle with you and Finnley Grace. because you are my best friend and I love you unconditionally." -Lauryn Smith

Telling everyone else wasn't that hard. My parents told our church and they helped supply diapers, wipes, a stroller, a car seat, a pack and play, and so many other things. They were so supportive and helpful to me and my family during this time, and they continue to support us today. When I told some of my friends, they had a hard time believing me. I even had to send a picture to prove it to my friend Evie! All of my friends have been really supportive through this though. I mean, of course I had people who said the typical things, "She's only 15 and has a baby? Such a whore." yes, these things have been said about me, but you know, I just have to brush them off. I know the true story, my friends, and family know the truth and that's all that matters!

I know you guys also want to know the reality of things, not just the picture perfect moments I post on Instagram. I'll be real with you, being a teen mother is hard work. Us teens are use to staying up and doing all-nighters, well motherhood takes staying up all night to another level! Thankfully, Finnley sleeps through the night now, but unless you are a mom, you have never experienced being that tired. Of course, it is all worth it at the end of the day, because you have your sweet little angel to cuddle and play with. You will never know how much love and effort your parents put in to taking care of you until you have a child of your own. Be thankful for your parents and family, they support you and love you through thick and thin. My family has been so supportive through all of this and I couldn't thank them enough!

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Til next time, Temple


  1. Wow, I stumbled on your blog tonight and what a testimony. Proud of you, Temple! I know exactly what you are going through as I was a teen mom myself. :) It is such hard work, but is so rewarding! Hang in there, it gets easier with time. My oldest is leaving for college next is unreal how fast time flies! Don't blink because before you know it Finnley will be grown. ;) My greatest advice is to always keep Christ the center of your family and all will be well. It won't always be easy, but if you are in His will it will all work out. If I could go back and have a redo it would be to relax more. As a young mom I found myself always on edge making sure I did it all correctly and didn't fail. Enjoy each moment. Many blessings and I will be praying for you both. Marcie

  2. Hi Temple!

    I stumbled across your blog and on your first post you mention that you found out you were pregnant with Finnely the same day you had her so I'm wondering how you were able to tell Lauryn the wednesday before that you were pregnant.

    Just trying to clear some things up. Good luck on your journey and God bless!

  3. I find it curious how you omit all accountability for having unprotected intercourse at 15. Not judging just wondering what kind of message you intend for other young girls. You write that God chose and that young man chose to have unprotected sex not God. Can't change the past but can be accountable for your actions.

  4. Hey Tyler will you be there for Finnely the same way you were there for Temple? Really take advantage of a young girl then break up with her when you hear she is pregnant . classy
